TECHNOLOGY CENTER GROUP LTD en-US <p>The authors reserve the right to the authorship of their manuscript and transfer the first publication of this work to the journal under the terms of the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons CC BY</a> license. </p> <p>The consolidation and conditions for the transfer of copyright (identification of authorship) is carried out in the License Agreement. </p> (Olena Domina) (Yuliia Prylutska) OMP 60 Automated control systems <p>The textbook is intended for students of the first and second levels of higher education in the specialities 131 "Applied Mechanics", 136 "Metallurgy" of full-time and part-time study in the disciplines "Automation in Foundry Production", "Fundamentals of Automatic Control", "Automation of Metallurgical Production", "Automation of Foundry Production", as well as in the course and diploma design.</p> Dmytro Domin, Pavlo Penziev Copyright (c) 2024 Дмитро Дьомін, Павло Пензєв Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Geometric modelling of objects, phenomena and processes <p>Information is provided on the construction of geometric models of objects in three-dimensional space. The implementation of methods and techniques of applied geometry is explained. The mathematical foundations of solving geometric modelling problems are considered. Information about shaping in the problems of modelling objects, phenomena and processes is presented. The application of geometric approaches to solving scientific and engineering problems in relation to various implementations is shown. The use of animation modelling tools for various classes of problems is demonstrated. The book's chapters contain examples that facilitate the perception of the material presented.</p> <p>The book is intended for postgraduate students, undergraduates, research and teaching staff, and engineering and technical workers.</p> Olha Shoman, Leonid Kutsenko Copyright (c) 2023 Ольга Шоман, Леонід Куценко Fri, 24 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Hybrid Teaching Methodology <div id="m_-6353775196678402462m_2123012407170879379replybody1"> <div dir="ltr"> <div>The methodology on teaching methods in the context of hybrid threats was created as one of the results of the project "Academic Response to Hybrid Threats - WARN" with the financial support of the EU Erasmus+ programme, №610133-EPP-1-2019-1-FI-<wbr />EPPKA2-CBHE-JP.</div> </div> </div> Eduard Balashov, Mykhailo Bilokon, Тatiana Borozentseva, Mariia Golovianko, Svitlana Gryshko, Taras Zhovtenko, Oksana Karpenko, Olha Kopiievska, Oleksandr Kotukov, Pavlo Khud Copyright (c) 2023 Едуард Балашов, Михайло Білоконь, Тетяна Борозенцева, Марія Головянко, Світлана Гришко, Тарас Жовтенко, Оксана Карпенко, Ольга Копієвська, Олександр Котуков, Павло Худ Thu, 26 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Mechanism of public-private partnership in the grain product sub-complex <p>Modernization of the economy is designated by the government of Kazakhstan as a strategic goal; the grain product subcomplex of the agro-industrial complex is identified as one of the main directions of modernization. World experience shows that without public-private partnership (PPP), the development and effective functioning of a modern national innovation system that ensures comprehensive modernization in all sectors of agriculture is impossible. Development of mechanisms for public-private partnership when carrying out the modernization of subjects of the grain product subcomplex, selection of methods and tools that contribute to increasing the susceptibility of agribusiness to innovative development, allowing for the fullest use of the positive impact of external and internal factors, as well as improving the mechanism for coordinating the interests of the state, entrepreneurs and investors, taking into account the specifics of production in each industry – requires appropriate theoretical, methodological and methodological support.</p> <p>This textbook was funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No. AR09259262 “Public-private partnership in the grain product subcomplex as the basis for the intensive development of the agro-industrial complex”).</p> Kanat Tireuov, Salima Mizanbekova, Ainur Kaiyrbayeva, Gulzinat Ordabayeva, Ilias Mizanbekov Copyright (c) 2023 Kanat Tireuov, Salima Mizanbekova, Ainur Kaiyrbayeva, Gulzinat Ordabayeva, Ilias Mizanbekov Mon, 23 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Poly- and multiculturalism of a foreign language teacher: theory and practice <p>The paper highlights the theoretical and methodological foundations of fostering poly- and multiculturalism of future foreign language teachers in the educational process of higher education institutions. The philosophical, historical, pedagogical and linguistic-cultural analysis of the phenomena of culture, multiculturalism, multiculturalism, poly- and multicultural linguistic personality is carried out; the content and structural components of poly- and multiculturalism of foreign language teachers are revealed; the leading ideas of the author’s concept of education of poly- and multiculturalism of future foreign language teachers in the context of integration and globalisation processes are revealed; methodological approaches, regularities and principles of organisation and effective functioning of the process of formation of a poly/multicultural linguistic personality of a foreign language teacher are substantiated and a phased technology of the corresponding implementation is designed; criteria, indicators and levels of poly/multicultural education of future foreign language teachers are determined on the basis of the developed diagnostic tools.</p> Oksana Chaika Copyright (c) 2023 Оксана Чайка Fri, 30 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000