
This press is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The authors guarantee that they own all copyrights to the manuscript.
  • The manuscript file is in the Microsoft Word and designed according to the requirements.
  • The authors guarantee that the manuscript has not previously been transferred to third parties and that the intellectual property rights of others have not been violated.
  • The manuscript has not been previously published and has not been submitted to other publishing houses for consideration.
  • Any existing conflicts of interest are disclosed in the comments to the editor or in the appropriate cover letter.

Author Guidelines

Requirements for registration information about the authors

Please fill in and submit the information about each author using the example below:

Ukranian (for Ukraine citizens only) English
Full name
Academic title, position
Name of the department
Name of the university
Legal address of the university
Contact phone: +38-050-000-00-00
Full name
Academic title, position
Name of the department
Name of the university
Legal address of the university
Contact phone: +38-050-000-00-00

The presence of an author's ORCID ID is mandatory. 


Requirements for manuscript

  • Sheet orientation: portrait
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Font size: 14 pt
  • Interval: 1
  • Document margins: 20 mm

The title of the manuscript should reflect the essence of the main tasks of research, scientific results and their practical application.

Figures and tables are placed in the text of the manuscript where they should be according to the content.

Before a figure, there must be a reference in the form: Fig. 1, Fig. 2‒4, Fig. 5, a. The caption under a figure should take the form: Fig. 1. The title of the figure. If the figure consists of several subfigures, the caption should take the form: Fig. 1. The title of the figure: a ‒ the title of the first subfigure; b ‒ the title of the second subfigure.
All inscriptions in the figure must be written in one font and one size. The exception is screenshots of programs that do not allow one to edit the font.
The resolution of the figures must be at least 300 dpi. All figures should also be sent as separate files.

Before a table, there must be a reference in the form: Table 1, Tables 2‒4. Above the table, its number and title should be indicated. Header table does not contain blank cells. All tables should be vertical.

Formulas should be typed in the MathType equation editor. Links to the formula in the text are (1), (2)–(4).

References. References to sources of information used in the text of the manuscript should be placed in the order of mention in square brackets, example [1], [2–4]. References in the text of the manuscript must be to all literary sources listed in the References section.
The guide for the list of references are here.