Mechanism of public-private partnership in the grain product sub-complex
modernization of the economy, comprehensive modernization, Kazakhstan, agriculture, development mechanisms, agro-industrial complex, grain product subcomplex, innovative development, public-private partnership, external and internal factors, national innovation systemSynopsis
Modernization of the economy is designated by the government of Kazakhstan as a strategic goal; the grain product subcomplex of the agro-industrial complex is identified as one of the main directions of modernization. World experience shows that without public-private partnership (PPP), the development and effective functioning of a modern national innovation system that ensures comprehensive modernization in all sectors of agriculture is impossible. Development of mechanisms for public-private partnership when carrying out the modernization of subjects of the grain product subcomplex, selection of methods and tools that contribute to increasing the susceptibility of agribusiness to innovative development, allowing for the fullest use of the positive impact of external and internal factors, as well as improving the mechanism for coordinating the interests of the state, entrepreneurs and investors, taking into account the specifics of production in each industry – requires appropriate theoretical, methodological and methodological support.
This textbook was funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No. AR09259262 “Public-private partnership in the grain product subcomplex as the basis for the intensive development of the agro-industrial complex”).
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