Training methods in the context of hybrid threats
national security, hybrid threats, public security services, systemic vulnerabilities, coordination and synchronisation of actions, decision-making, preventive training, protection, competence, extreme situations, training methodsSynopsis
The manual on teaching methods in the context of hybrid threats was created as one of the results of the WARN project “Academic Countering Hybrid Threats” with the financial support of the EU Erasmus+ programme, №610133-EPP-1-2019-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP.
The project aims to improve national security by overcoming the shortage of public security services caused by the emergence of hybrid threats. These are new types of threats created by coordinated and synchronised actions that deliberately target the systemic vulnerabilities of democratic states and institutions using a wide range of means. The main vulnerability of hybrid threats is the democratic decision-making process and all those involved in it. People become vulnerable if they are unable to recognise hybrid threats, identify the general rather than local purpose of hybrid influences, and join forces to protect their work and social space from hybrid threats. To effectively counter this new type of threat, the WARN project has introduced preventive education and training of citizens as protection agents. This was made possible by adding a unique competence to any educational programme aimed at developing the ability to perform their professional and civic duties in unexpected, unpredictable and even extreme situations caused by hybrid threats. An integral part of this competence is a specific teaching methodology that allows developing skills in comprehensive defence and countering hybrid threats.
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